Do you Believe?
I usually explain him/her/it in an analogy I got from a great Sci-Fi TV show. Imagine if I take up an ant on my finger and look at it for a second and then put it down. The ant would probably return to its nest where upon finding another ant it would ask, 'did you see that?' 'See what?' would probably be the reply. As the first ant opens to his mouth reply back he begins to realize that he doesn't know how to describe what he has seen and therefore cannot tell his friend, let alone claim that I am his creator, that I have a plan for him and that if he prays hard enough that I will overthrow his queen and/or open seats on his supreme court.
Anyway, as the debate between Intelligent Design and Evolution heats up, someone else is adding his two cents, namely the creator of the First United Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. As theorized by a Kansas citizen Bobby Henderson, the theory of the FSM deals with the true god who created the universe, but started with some mountains, some trees and a midget. The Flying Spaghetti Monster is usually depicted as being made of spaghetti with two round eyes and meatballs which make up the majority of his torso. He has never really be sighted as it's well accepted that he takes an active role in human affairs and prevents people from finding out about his true nature. Members of the church, also known as pastafarianism, are expected to dress in pirate regalia as a homage to the founder's discovery of a correlation between the decrease in the number of pirates and global warming.
Whether or not pastafarianism will ever catch on is beyond me. But I can say that I will more readily believe in this theory and the possibly that at this moment I'm being touched my his noodly appendage that any of the major religions of today's world. Religion is merely a political tool for keeping control of the population. Always has been and unfortunately it always will be...
Wisdom of the Day: Stop denying it