Sunday, August 28, 2005

Sayonara Tomoko

By this time next week, my sweet Tomoko will be on her way to Canada leaving me to my lonesome self in Japan, that is if my friends weren't coming over on a regular basis...

Anyway, to commemorate Tomoko's second Exodus from Japan, we had a small gathering of a few of her and my friends to say goodbye, eat food and drink a few beers. Yes, I know it seems like drinking is occupying more blog space than normal recently, but ummm… well…. it’s summer!

Anyway, similar to my birthday we played a few games including pictionary (Hiro you suck at this game!), two-tap brainstorm (easier to explain in person) and word brainstorm. Yes, I know what you're thinking, with all that excitement, where did I find time to blog? Don't worry about it. In the end everyone had a good time (including Noriko, who barely leaves the house) and Yukiko (who gets very angry when Justin drinks) and Hiro (check out his blog in my links).

Goodbye Tomoko. You'll be missed but not forgotten.

Wisdom of the Day: Throw the dart enough times and eventually you'll hit the bull's-eye


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