Thursday, August 25, 2005

What I Did For My Birthday

Although this post is a little late, my birthday was actually on Tuesday, August 23rd, the day after my Mom's. Good timing Mom! Anyway, as most, it was rather uneventful, at least until later.

The day started off with a health dose of work and meetings. Meetings, especially bullshit ones, are the exact sort of thing one is always looking for on one's birthday. This one was no exception as the teachers and the salespeople involved with one of clients met to discuss issues that had arisen in the past and how to prevent them in the future. This is all good and nice, except that the communication link between us, of which some of the problems arose, was noticeably absent. Therefore it accomplished exactly what I thought it would.

The day continued with some lessons, none of which were eventful nor worth mentioning, so I'll stop.

The party then began at Gekiya, our local cheap izakaya. Joining me were the lovely Tomoko, Tomiko, Marie, Andy, Phil, Justin and Greg. After a large number of fried foods and beers, we retired to my place to continue the drinking and crack open the bottle of champagne that Tomiko bought me for my birthday. Moet is good stuff. The rest of the night has been a bit hazy, but I remember a number of games that I wasn't good at, my floor absorbing beer, always good for a tamami that has absorbed plenty at a few other parties, and awaking up to find the room spinning and various friends littered about.

All-in-all a good day.

Wisdom of the Day: Thanks to all who sent me birthday wishes and to all who wanted to but forgot, no worries. Except for one or two, you know who you are.


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