Saturday, July 09, 2005

The Universal Constant

All women love shopping. It seems too simple to be mentioning in this blog, yet it’s more complex than you realize. In fact, it’s more complex than I can explain in the post. Perhaps it’s because it’s related to women, who are a whole other 100 GBs of text to themselves. But more matter where I go, who I meet or more importantly, whom I date, I find myself in a number of stores shopping for clothes that aren’t mine.

Tonight before going in for a second showing of Batman Begins, we went shopping. The Gap, which we stopped at in both Namba and Umeda, was playing a bad rock version of Route66, while the women’s section which I was waiting in was filled with a large number of boyfriends looking generally bored as well as a few husbands attempting to entertain their increasing misbehaving children. We also visited United Colors of Benetton, Tokyu Hands, Expedition Mode, Ships and some store called Le Jean De Marie, don’t ask I really don’t know all that much about some of them, except that they sell clothes that Tomoko likes.

Now, I’m watching Batman Forever, which I realize is a far worse movie than I originally thought…

Wisdom of the Day: Women are a riddle that even the Universe can’t answer


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