Sunday, June 26, 2005

Early Change

I had some other ideas for the blog, but this will have to do. My lack of knowledge of CSS and Javascript are limiting what I can do in my free time, and my free time is being limited by the need to go to work, go to the gym, drink, play games and have sex. Therefore this is what you get. At least I changed that logo and created something, I think is cooler.

Last night we finally saw Star Wars in the theater, yet it still won’t be released in Japan for nearly two weeks. And still, no one can explain to me why. Can you? I still enjoyed it and found it to be better than Episode II and I, Episode I only being saved by the fact that Liam Neeson is an amazing actor who is rather underrated in Hollywood for stars like Tom Cruise.

By the way, I’d thought I’d give a little advice to Mr. Cruise after having watched his, shall we say interview, with Matt Lauer on the Today Show (not that I usually watch this sort of thing, but to see Tom Cruise make an ass of himself…). If you’re gonna join a phony religion, made up in the 50s to endowe it’s creator with money, who himself said if you want to make money create a religion, while at the same time ruining an amazing career in the cinema for someone who really can’t act, it’s none of my business. Just remember that Katie Holmes is holding out for you. Yes, Katie fucking Holmes. How you landed her is beyond me, and please note that there isn’t one person I know who isn’t throwing up at the idea of you two having sex. You don’t seem to be able to open your month and make sense without a script, instead you just go off on a tangent always related to Scientology and bitch and moan in a hypocritical way about drugs, money, etc. and yet claim you are all for people expressing their ideas, just as long as they agree with you. Also, if you are going to quote a piece of literature remember two things: 1) try to quote something that not everyone and their children and grandchildren have read; 2) quote more than the title.

So to sum up. If your name is Tom Cruise, when you give an interview only talk about your movies. That’s it. Thank you.

Wisdom of the Day: I think I’ve given enough wisdom today.


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