Monday, May 30, 2005


Unlike every other country in the world, we do not have Star Wars! That’s right every other country in the world, and probably even Iraq, is currently enjoying Star Wars, yet we here in “technologically advanced� Japan, have to wait. You can only watch the trailer so many times, look at pictures online, read non-spoiling reviews and get taunting emails from your friends (thanks Keith!) until you start to go crazy. So late last night, on the advice of one of my oldest friends and one of the biggest Star Wars fans I know, I downloaded a screener copy of Episode III. At the moment it’s just sitting on my hard drive waiting to be watched, and I have skipped through a little bit just to check the quality, which is good. Normally I would never watch a movie I have been waiting for, for a while, in this format, but drastic times call for drastic measures.

But the real idea behind this post is the reasoning behind the late release date in Japan. To date, I have heard two promising theories. The first is that because of the smaller size of the Japanese cinema market and the cost of a ticket (Â¥1800 yen - nearly 18 bucks!!!) big name movies are usually released within three to four weeks of each other. This kinda makes no sense as in June we will see the release of Batman Begins, War of the Worlds, Hostage, Elektra and Ring 2. All these will be released in about two weeks of Star Wars, which launches on July 9th.

The second theory deals with the timing of the famous Japanese summer time bonus. The average Japanese salaryman gets an annual summertime bonus equal to about 1.5x-2.0x his monthly salary. I thought this happens in early August, but apparently many company do it in July as well. Timing the release of Star Wars with the summertime bonus allows Takeshi-Q-public to buy all sorts of Star Wars crap. If you though movie merchandising was big in the states you should see all the manner of stupid crap they sell here: books, keychains, dangly things for your cell phone, stickers, toys, five sizes of posters, etc.

According to the news, Star Wars has been released in the army bases here in Japan and at the Expo 2005 in Aichi. Damn that copy is burning holes in my hard drive. I might have to clear my schedule for the evening. Also for any MPAA official who is reading this, I still fully intend in pay my 18 dollars and watch Revenge of the Sith in the movie theater like all the other good Japanese.

Wisdom of the Day: Good things come to those who wait


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A wise friend also once told you to go bang that midget with the gimp leg... but you didn't listen to me then!


5/30/2005 03:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well boys, I was there in the THEATRE with my dad when I saw Star Wars in 1976. I was 7 and I can tell ya, there is no story more important to me that the Star Wars saga.

I decided to watch a far lesser quality (screener) copy for 2 reasons. 1.) I have waited nearly 30 years for the completion of this stage of my life, to see JUST HOW Anakin is turned, etc. And I couldn't wait another 2 months for the shit to come out. I have suffered enough. (haha)

2. I will see this mother in theatres a minimum of twice if not 3 times, paying f*cking $18 a show. After watching this on the PC, I am satisfied that NOTHING could ruin the magic of seeing it in the theatres in July!

Let's get our discount tickets NOW.

5/30/2005 09:36:00 PM  

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