Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Loss of Games

Well today is the beginning of the E3 in Las Vegas. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the E3, it stands for Electronics Entertainment Expo, or the place where all the newest games, systems and accessories for the gaming industry are shown. This event has become so massive and popular that now many new games and systems are announced officially here before they make the news in Japan, let alone an official unveiling.

Anyway, undoubted the biggest news is the new level in the so-called console wars. This year and next will be no exception in console history. First up we have the Playstation 3, the successor to the ultra popular PS2, which I bought on the first day- never do that!, which will undoubted sell tons here in Japan but will probably have to content with the launch of Halo 3 for Microsoft's new Xbox 360. Microsoft is a whole lot of talk as usual, they talked a lot about the original Xbox, but any serious gamer will tell you that the only games really worth having were Halo 1 & 2 and Star Wars: KOTOR and KOTOR 2. Therefore I say Microsoft and all their game people are full of shit! To round off the list is Nintendo, my old flame, showing off sketchy details about their newest system, at the moment called Revolution. At least they have a new and awesome looking Zelda coming out this Christmas.

But I'm getting away from the point. Over the past five years I've noticed a startling trend in my gaming life. Something that I never thought would happen to me has happened, I've lost a great deal of free time to work and socializing and now I never have any time for games, with the rare occasion for some late night PSP in my bed or on the train. What has happened to me? It seems like everyone else in America has acquired more time to play, and here I am, an old-school but hardcore, nonetheless, gamer without anytime to play! I'm getting excited about Super Nintendo emulators for my PSP, while the sleek and sexy PS3 is getting ready to land at my door, if I just had 27 hours free to play it a week! Any thoughts would be helpful!

BTW: I'll have my favorites of the E3 up at the end of the show!

Wisdom of the Day: Beauty is just a light-switch away.


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