Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Party Preparations

For everyone who doesn't know or I forgot to email, my spring party is less then two weeks away. My current party series started last August when I decided to have a nice cool chillout apartment party with my 20 or so friends. My apartment can accommodate that number nicely, but somehow it transformed into an almost 50 person bash earning me at least five complaints from my neighbors.

Undaunted, I had a follow-up party in November and much the same occurred with over 60 people showing up for the evening. Once again the complaints piled up again, not to mention the race home from work to cook and the massive cleaning the next day. Now after six months I'm having another bash. This time I've followed a few rules to prevent major problems:

  • major noise and people offenders have been omitted from the guest list (okay well not really but it sounds good, no?)
  • a cleaning lady has been sorted for a reasonable fee for the next day.
  • cooking assistance is just in the next neighbor and will work for beer.
  • the neighbors on my left side have moved out (I had nothing to do with it, but it helps)

These parties are a good way to have a large amount of alcohol and piss off a large number of people simultaneously while not spending a lot of money. I've included a few pics mixed up in this post to give you an idea.

Wisdom of the Day: Always trust in the Mojo


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