Wednesday, September 07, 2005


After a rigorous round of Halo for the Xbox, I sat down in front of my computer to see the latest trailer for the movie Doom. I was shocked, but before I present my opinion, a little history:

I have been playing First Person Shooter (FPSs) games since the very beginning of the genre. I played the original Wolfenstein3D on an Intel 386 machine back in elementary school. I played lots of network Doom with my best friend Brendan in high school. I kicked ass in Quake 2, Unreal Tournament through university and most recently Halo for the Xbox. I haven't had enough time to get into Halo 2 multiplayer (something I intend to rectify when I return home). Basically, nearly all of the famous, groundbreaking FPSs that have been released are in my library and I have finished the single player and played some of the multiplayer.

But there is one thing I never considered, simply because it seemed like such a stupid idea that no one would do it. I never considered to turn an FPS into a movie by filming it like the game. In the new movie Doom, starting the Rock and Karl (I'm King Eomer) Urban, has been done mainly from the perspective of the eyes of Urban, which means on screen you see his gun and hands, and everything from his perspective, including him reloading his weapon.

Now I'm all for doing this for a minute here or there as a homage to the game, but from the preview and behind the scenes video I saw it seems that something like 70% of the movie is filmed this way, except for the occasional scenes where the camera jumps out to film everyone; which is the style in which most single player FPS campaigns play.

The creatures as well seem to have been created using the same models from Doom3, just run through an ILM filter. And let's be realistic, Doom never had a groundbreaking story, they probably should have done Half Life instead.

I have no problem with watching game-to-movie adaptations, but this is a bad idea. Even though there's nothing I like better than watching someone else play an FPS...

Wisdom of the Day: This movie is gonna suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck...


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