Thursday, September 29, 2005

The Arrival of Fall

The arrival of Fall was signaled today by the cool breeze blowing through my open this afternoon and the recent fall in the humidity level. As I have said in the past, Osaka is well known in Japan for its unbelievably hot, humid summers. Instead the past few days have been filled with cool breezes, overcast skies and slight drizzles.

This comes with a collective sigh from the people of Osaka. No longer must we stand on the crowded Midosuji line and enjoy a strong whiff of that beloved Japanese B.O. (which can get especially bad in an area called Den Den Town, which is filled with discount electronics stores and people who don't bathe enough).

This also signals the end of my last summer in Japan. As confirmed by the lovely Maki at Kintetsu International, I will leave Japan on November 2nd, leaving many lonely faces and broken hearts. Sorry my friends, but it's nearly time to move on. Only forget me if I owe you money.

Wisdom of the Day: It worked! Use it!


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