Friday, February 10, 2006

Stuff and Junk (2)

So much to say, yet so little is coherent, today is more of an observation of things I have seen and done recently rather than anything relevant. Actually I have two posts in mind which I feel will be very funny and will be done as soon as I get my lazy ass around to taking some pictures to go with them. Which would mean that a digital camera instead of the Video iPod I have been eyeing would be the more prudent purchase, but we'll see.

Anyway, first off gym issues. I will please some of my readers by stating that I actually went to the gym three times this week. Two of which were full on cardio sessions, because of time constraints, while today's was a full-on hour and a half for the whole kit and kaboodle. Basically my main issue is that the treadmill I was on had a TV that was stuck on C-SPAN. For those of you who are not familiar with C-SPAN, it's the channel that covers and broadcasts the most boring aspects of American politics you could ask for. This morning's program, which I wish I could remember the name, focused on a single topic: What is Leadership?, where people would call and give there opinion while the host would sit at his desk overlooking Capital Hill and underline things important to him in newspapers. Riveting. Fortunately the Stairmaster's TV was fine and I could watch old Britney Spears videos on the Sports Club channel.

After the gym, as I began my walk to work I walked past a place that appeared to have take-out sushi in a display near the window. When I returned for lunch I found out that it is actually a Japanese style convenient store called JAS Mart. Inside I found a similar offering to what is available in Family Market. For anyone interested, it's on 23rd Street near the start of Madison Avenue. Once again, Asian fetishists, need not apply.

Now I'm finishing up some installations at work and about to head out for drinks with Ed.

Have a fun weekend! I will!

Wisdom of the Day: Keep your opinions about Asian women to yourself.


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