Monday, January 30, 2006

Sumimasen (Excuuuuuse me)

My sincerest apologies to the few disgruntled readers who have found my latest work to be a little heavier on the content and less on the pictures and shiny clicky things. Please note that it is not my fault if you sit at home all day and surf because you have: a) no job b) no life c) no love d) stuck work all day reading the internet e) all of the above f) any combination of the above.

We, the staff and editors of the World of Jedicraft, vow to continue delivering high quality entertainment and literary prose until our limbs go cold and our butt-checks have shriveled up like lemons. We promise to maintain our journalistic integrity in the face of unfair, biased criticism and endeavor to always put the people of our bold country, and their interests, first.

Wisdom of the Day: McDonald's diet coke is da bomb.


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