Friday, February 03, 2006

If you want to meet Tom Cruise while in NYC...

While roaming for the hour or so I had in between jobs today, I ran across something that I did not think existed in NYC, a Church of Scientology Celebrity Center. Now many people feel these things are the stuff of myth and legend, having now seen my second one (first one in LA) I can say they really do exist and they give free personality tests and tons of pamphlets.

What is Scientology, you say? According to them, its America's fastest growing religion, although America's fastest growing language is Klingon, so that's not saying much. According to many science fiction readers, it’s a made-up religion, created by L. Ron Hubbard in response to a bet laid down by his old friend Robert Heinlein, who wrote the book "Stranger in a Strange Land”, in response to keep up his side of the bet (highly recommended!). According to Tom Cruise and John Travolta, it’s about very tall space aliens, who resemble Forest Whitaker, fighting long haired cave men in 500 year old F-15s, don’t forget the other aliens, created by Steven Spielberg, who forgot to take their flu shots. According to my good friend Mike Orso (the following has been paraphrased), it’s an organization for in-the-closet homosexuals who pay a lot of money to be "cured."

I don't know what it is, but if you want to find out and get a free personality test in the process, go to 82nd and Park and have a visit. I might if I have 5 minutes to spare. Anyway, I always wanted to see how tall Tom really is in person.

Wisdom of the Day: It’s not really over until the 5th reboot.


Blogger WhipSlyme said...

Probably gets as high as your nipple mate, if that

2/04/2006 07:56:00 AM  

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