Sunday, January 01, 2006

The New Year

The New Year has started, although some claimed we needed to start a second later than normal to make up for the discrepancy between astronomical time and atomic time. Regardless, last night at my friend’s party we made a list of twelve wishes, twelve things we wish for or that we would do in the coming year, one for each month. Here’s my list:

  1. Be Happier by this time next year (I figure it should continue).
  2. Be in better shape by the time I’m 30.
  3. Don’t be addicted to online games (although Orso, Keith and EveOnline are trying hard).
  4. Improve my Japanese (no small task in NYC)
  5. Improve my Programming Skills
  6. Improve my OS/Software/Technical Skills
  7. Get a job
  8. Get an apartment
  9. Reduce my cell phone bill
  10. Get a Mac
  11. Get married to Kyoko Hasegawa
  12. Get some new ideas for next year.

And a very Happy New Year from Caliean. I figured I’d wish you all from him since he never updates his blog...

Wisdom of the Day: The Internet is great!


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