Friday, December 02, 2005

Junk Mail

Well, we finally got it. The cold of December has hit and prevented me from my morning constitutional. I’ll give it a shot tomorrow.

I think this post would be a good time to say a few words about junk mail and spam. As most of you know I am currently in the job market having just come back and my email account, particularly the special hotmail account I created for all things business is very important to me. Yet, it insists on sending certain emails to the junk folder. This is bad, as I received a few random but promising job leads that would have been tossed if I hadn’t checked, even though I was a little late replying.

Not only that, but even occasionally it has sent emails from friends and family into the junk mail folders thinking it was spam. And what drives me nuts is that weird mass mailings addressed to someone named Alexander continue to make their way into my inbox. And don’t even get me started on yahoo mail. I guess I’m saying that you should always check everything and no matter what they software makers say, spam and junk will be around for a long time to come, so figure out ways to deal with them and make sure what you wanted wasn’t tossed.

Wisdom of the Day: 2 + 2 = 5 for the right price.


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