Monday, March 27, 2006

A Sink Hole Grows in Brooklyn

So today didn’t start so good. First I woke up about 50 minutes late. Fortunately I was only going to the gym, so it just reduced my gym time and it didn’t make me late. Second as I was eating breakfast I saw a peculiar thing on the television screen: a green Ford SUV was leaning into a large hole in the street. The first thing that stuck was: ‘How drunk was that driver?’ The second thing was: ‘That sucks.’ The third thing was: ‘That block looks really familiar…oh snap, that’s right near me.” The fourth thing was: ‘That’s right above 4th Avenue and the R Line. I wonder if that’s going to effect the subway.’ The fifth thing as the NY1 reporter informed me of the R train cancellations was: ‘Motherf$%@!!&!”

On Monday morning at 3:30AM, a woman driving home in her green Ford SUV, had the unlucky circumstance to drive over an area of 73rd Street and 4th Avenue after a water main had broken and begun to saturate the street above and below it. The weight of the SUV collapsed the whole and sunk the it in. The woman was able to get out in time, but her car wasn’t so lucky. Nor were the 500,000 people who were inconvienced by the trains not running, nor the power, gas and water disruptions caused to get the SUV out.

As we stand now, it’s Monday night and I have been assured that service will be restored by Tuesday night at the latest. While I feel that to be a bit conservative of an estimate, I do feel it’s more realistic than my previous estimate of April 1st, 2011.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you believe that Atlantis will attack NY first then? Good. I was worried that the West Coast wouldn't have time to charge their crystals and light their sacred lavender candles and channel their Altantean guardian spirits before the battle began...

Sorry, just making a bit of fun at the expense of my home coast. If I offended anyone, perhaps a hug and some non-flour, vegan cookies will help you regain your joy-chi.

GAAAAHHHH!!! I am going home in 2 months and I am already feeling the Earth-muffin goodness!

That was a seriously scary looking hole! (.....I'll stop there...)

4/01/2006 10:09:00 PM  

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